Every year the Fort Myers Track Club awards one or more deserving high school seniors a scholarship. It was named the FMTC Billy Shevach Scholarship in memory of Billy and the generosity of the Shevach family.
The Scholarship is open to any FMTC member who plans to enroll in a college or university next year. The applicants must also plan to continue running, whether as part of a healthy lifestyle or part of a sanctioned program, and meet the following requirements to apply:
Participate in 3 events officially timed by the FMTC in the year that you apply or 5 events over the past 3 years.
Contribute 10 hours of volunteerism (packet pickup, race volunteer, youth program, board member) to FMTC in the year that you apply. All hours to be signed off by an FMTC board member.
All scholarships are awarded on an annual basis.
Candidates are judged on the following factors:
Academics (must submit current high school transcript)
Your running involvement/participation
Two letters of recommendation.
Interested individuals should prepare a letter discussing the above factors and anything else that helps show their best in any manner they choose.
Applications should be sent to: FMTC Billy Shevach Memorial Scholarship, P.O. Box 60131, Fort Myers FL 33906-6131.
Completed applications due by: APRIL 1st of the current year.
Recipients of the scholarship will be notified prior to May 15 of the current year and awarded at the FMTC General Membership Meeting. This scholarship is made possible by an annual endowment from the Shevack family and a contribution from the FMTC Youth Development Program and the FMTC Century Club. Anyone interested in making a contribution to the fund or who has additional questions may contact us at fmtrackclub.info@gmail.com.